Idén a családommal Obertauernben voltunk síelni és ez alatt is szakítottunk időt egy-egy outfit fotózásra. Ebben a bejegyzésben láthattok néhányat a téli kedvenceimből: sok hó, csinos és meleg kötött pulcsi, valamint a legújabb élénk pink rúzsom, amit még "a Mikulás hozott". Bár ez a pulcsi magában is csinos, de szeretem feldobni az egyszerűbb téli szettjeimet egy élénk rúzzsal.
This year I've spent my winter holiday in Obertauern with my family. Besides skiing, we found time for outfit shooting. In this post you can find some of my favourite things in winter: a lot of snow, warm and pretty sweater and my newest vivid lipstick, that "Santa brought me". Even though this sweater is really pretty by itself, I like to spice my simpler winter looks with a vivid lipstick.
This year I've spent my winter holiday in Obertauern with my family. Besides skiing, we found time for outfit shooting. In this post you can find some of my favourite things in winter: a lot of snow, warm and pretty sweater and my newest vivid lipstick, that "Santa brought me". Even though this sweater is really pretty by itself, I like to spice my simpler winter looks with a vivid lipstick.
Sweater / Pulcsi - Hollister
Jeans / Farmer - Zara (old)
Boots / Csizma - CCC
Lipstick / Rúzs - Mac Nutcracker Sweet: Saucy Little Darling