InStyle: Stílusnagykövetünk ajánlja: Mediterrán Belváros
november 10, 2015
Ha csak kevés időt töltesz a
városban, akkor mindenképpen egy sétát ajánlok a mediterrán belvárosban. Ha
másra nem is lesz időd, így is betekintést nyerhetsz a város hangulatába,
pezsgő központjába és nagyon sok fontos látnivalót kipipálhatsz arról a
képzeletbeli listáról. Gyere, mutatom az utat!
If you're only spending just a little amount of time in the city, than you definitely should take a walk in the mediterranean downtown. This way if you don't even have time for anything else, you will get a little insight into the athmosphere of the city, the bubbling center and you can thick a lot of important sights from your imaginary list. Come with me, I am showing you the way!
If you're only spending just a little amount of time in the city, than you definitely should take a walk in the mediterranean downtown. This way if you don't even have time for anything else, you will get a little insight into the athmosphere of the city, the bubbling center and you can thick a lot of important sights from your imaginary list. Come with me, I am showing you the way!
Király utca
Kezdjük a sétánkat a Király
utcán, ami Pécs legismertebb sétálóutcája. Végighaladva rajta sorban
következnek egymás után a jobbnál jobb kávézók, éttermek, galériák, mindegyik
régies építésű, műemlék jellegű épületben található, de néhány nevezetes épület
is felfedezhető közöttük. Az utca közepén található a Színháztér a Pécsi
Nemzeti Színházzal, mely minden évben otthont ad a Pécsi Országos Színházi
Találkozónak. Egész évben színes és változatos előadásokkal várja a
színházkedvelőket. Régebben villamos haladt át az utcán, de ma már szerencsére
az utca nagy részét elzárták az autós forgalomtól is, így zavartalanul
Let's start our walk in the Király utca (King street), which is the most popular pedestrian street of the city. Along the street you can find many great cafés, restaurants and galeries right next to each other, all of them in vintage style houses, you can even spot some famous houses too. In the middle of the street is the Theather sqaure with the National Theater of Pécs, that gives home to the National Theater Meeting of Pécs (POSZT) every year, which is a huge event with only the best plays. It welcomes all theater-lovers with various and amazing plays all year long. In the old times a tramcar used to ride along the street, but luckily for now most parts of the street is locked out of traffic, so we can stroll peacefully.
Let's start our walk in the Király utca (King street), which is the most popular pedestrian street of the city. Along the street you can find many great cafés, restaurants and galeries right next to each other, all of them in vintage style houses, you can even spot some famous houses too. In the middle of the street is the Theather sqaure with the National Theater of Pécs, that gives home to the National Theater Meeting of Pécs (POSZT) every year, which is a huge event with only the best plays. It welcomes all theater-lovers with various and amazing plays all year long. In the old times a tramcar used to ride along the street, but luckily for now most parts of the street is locked out of traffic, so we can stroll peacefully.
Széchenyi tér
A Széchenyi tér a pécsi belváros
közigazgatási és idegenforgalmi központja. Sugárszerűen tizenkét utca torkollik
a központi elhelyezkedésű térbe. A város sok híres látványossága koncentrálódik
ide, mint a Dzsámi, Városháza, Zsolnay-kút, Szentháromság – és Hunyadi János
lovas szobra. A teret 2010-ben az Európa Kulturális Fővárosa projekt keretében
újították fel, amivel az atmoszférája igazán különleges és egyedi lett. A tér
igazi társasági találkozópont, ahova jó érzés leülni csak egy fagyival vagy beülni valamelyik étterembe, bárba. Itt rendezik
meg minden évben a Karácsonyi vásárt, a város karácsonyfájával, a Szőlő és Bor
ünnepét és megannyi más rendezvényt. Mikor készültek a képek éppen a pécsi
napok programsorozat zajlott, ezért látni mindenhol a kirakodó standokat és
The Széchenyi Square is the administrative and tourist center of downtown Pécs. Twelve streets radiate into the centrally located square. Many of the city's most famous attractions are concentrated here, such as the Jamami, City Hall, Zsolnay Fountain, Holy Trinity statue and the equestrian statue of János Hunyadi. The square was renovated in 2010 as part of the European Capital of Culture project, which made the atmosphere very special and unique. The space is the number one location of social gatherings, where it's good to sit down with an ice cream or in one of the good restaurants, bars. Every year there are many events located here, like the Christmas Market with the Christmas tree of the city, the Feast of Grapes and Wine, concerts and many other events. The pictures were taken during the Pécs Days program series, that's why we can see stands and stages everywhere.
The Széchenyi Square is the administrative and tourist center of downtown Pécs. Twelve streets radiate into the centrally located square. Many of the city's most famous attractions are concentrated here, such as the Jamami, City Hall, Zsolnay Fountain, Holy Trinity statue and the equestrian statue of János Hunyadi. The square was renovated in 2010 as part of the European Capital of Culture project, which made the atmosphere very special and unique. The space is the number one location of social gatherings, where it's good to sit down with an ice cream or in one of the good restaurants, bars. Every year there are many events located here, like the Christmas Market with the Christmas tree of the city, the Feast of Grapes and Wine, concerts and many other events. The pictures were taken during the Pécs Days program series, that's why we can see stands and stages everywhere.
Lakatfal / Padlock-wall
A Dzsámi fölött, a Janus
Pannonius utcában találjuk a szerelmesek lakatfalait, ami Magyarországon
először nálunk jelent meg. Érdekesség, hogy először a közeli középiskola végzős
tanulói helyezték el ide a lakatjaikat, később pedig hagyománnyá vált, hogy a
szerelmesek egy lakattal fejezik ki örökké tartó kapcsolatukat,
összetartozásukat, de manapság már a turisták is előszeretettel állítanak ily
módon emléket az utazásuknak. Az idő elteltével és a lakatok megsokszorozódása
miatt több lakatfalat is elhelyeztek az utcában.
Above the Jamami, in the Janus Pannonius street you can find the padlock-walls of the lovers, that first appeared in Hungary in Pécs. Interesting, that first the senior students of the high school nearby put their locker padlocks, but later it became a tradition, that lovers express their relationship, eternal love with a padlock and now travelers like to leave a little reminder, that they have visited. With the time the padlocks grew out their wall and they put on few more padlock-walls in the street.
Above the Jamami, in the Janus Pannonius street you can find the padlock-walls of the lovers, that first appeared in Hungary in Pécs. Interesting, that first the senior students of the high school nearby put their locker padlocks, but later it became a tradition, that lovers express their relationship, eternal love with a padlock and now travelers like to leave a little reminder, that they have visited. With the time the padlocks grew out their wall and they put on few more padlock-walls in the street.
Szent István tér

Az Janus Pannonius utca a pécsi
Sétatérbe torkollik, ami minden évben, majdnem egy hónapon keresztül helyszínt
ad a Sétatér fesztiválnak, aminek keretében családi programok, remek koncertek
és a Pannon Borrégió legjobb borai sorakoznak fel. A sétatérről észak felé
pillantva a Székesegyházat látjuk, dél felé a Szent István teret. Mivel a
Leőweybe jártam gimnáziumba a Szent István tér számomra különösen kedves.
Fontosabb érdekességei az Ókeresztény sírkamrák, a Pezsgőház, illetve a
szökőkút a tér közepén. Amint jó idő lesz, tavasszal a tér megtelik diákokkal
és fiatalokkal, akik a füvön ülve pihenik ki az iskolai nap fáradalmait.
The Janus Pannonius street ends in the Sétatér, which hosts, for almost a month each year, the Sétatér Festival, which features family programs, great concerts and the best wines from the Pannon Wine Region. Looking north from the promenade, we see the Cathedral, to the south the St. Stephen's Square. Since I went to Leőwey high school, St. Stephen's Square is really close to my heart. It's main points of interest are the Old Christian Tombs, the Sparkling Wine House and the fountain in the middle of the square. When the weather is good, in the spring, the park will be filled with students and young people relaxing on the grass after the schoolday.
The Janus Pannonius street ends in the Sétatér, which hosts, for almost a month each year, the Sétatér Festival, which features family programs, great concerts and the best wines from the Pannon Wine Region. Looking north from the promenade, we see the Cathedral, to the south the St. Stephen's Square. Since I went to Leőwey high school, St. Stephen's Square is really close to my heart. It's main points of interest are the Old Christian Tombs, the Sparkling Wine House and the fountain in the middle of the square. When the weather is good, in the spring, the park will be filled with students and young people relaxing on the grass after the schoolday.
A mediterrán belváros
legfontosabb színtereit így bejártuk, de a környék még tartogat számunkra
rejtett kincseket, amiket a következő alkalommal fedezünk majd fel.
Now we have visited the most famous parts of the mediterranean downtown, but this area has some hidden treasuers for us to unfold next time.
Now we have visited the most famous parts of the mediterranean downtown, but this area has some hidden treasuers for us to unfold next time.
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